The material for learning and teaching English and Dutch of EnfoS was developed, much because of dissatisfaction with available language teaching resources which give too little explanation about, why certain forms are correct or better than others and why the other forms are not so good or incorrect. Explaining this better was one of the challenges to overcome in developing the resources of EnfoS.
How and what is taught at EnfoS depends on each learners needs. For some learners it is important to study verb tenses while for others it is more important to work on vocabulary or pronunciation.
To attend to these personal needs, courses at EnfoS are flexible, personalised and the material is modulated. Teaching material of EnfoS consists of small modules which allow learners to focus on those aspects of the language which cause them problems, not wasting time and energy with explanations about things they already masters or are out of the scope of their objectives.
Further explanation at Teaching Principles.Below are some examples of language learning and teaching resources developed at EnfoS, free to be used by teachers and learners (see Creative Commons license).
More is available on my sister site:
O material para aprender e ensinar Inglês e Neerlandês do EnfoS foi desenvolvido em função de dessatisfação com o material disponível que explica muito pouco sobre porque certas formas linguísticas são consideradas corretas ou que explica muito pouco sobre porque certas formas linguísticas são consideradas corretas ou melhores do que outras ou porque umas são menos adequadas ou até incorretas. Oferecer melhores explicações a respeito foi um dos desafios no desenvolvimento do material didático do EnfoS
No EnfoS, o conteúdo do curso atende às necessidades de cada aluno. Para alguns alunos pode ser importante estudar os tempos verbais enquanto outros podem precisar mais trabalhar vocabulário ou pronuncia.
Para atender a estas necessidades individuais, o ensino do EnfoS é flexível e personalizado e o material didático modulado. O material do EnfoS consiste de módulos pequenos possibilitando que o aluno se concentrar naquelas aspectos da língua que precisa sem gastar tempo e energia com explicações desnecessárias porque já domina este parte da lingua ou porque não têm importância para os seus objetivos.
Mais explicação sobre princípios de ensino (em Inglês).Embaixo, se encontra alguns exemplos de material didático desenvolvido no EnfoS. Este material pode ser usado livremente por professores e alunos (confira Creative Commons license).
Tem mais no meu outro site:
Many people have problems with the correct use of third person singular "s". They seem to have difficulty to recognise third person.
The links below take you to explanations to make recognising third person easier to help avoiding errors with third singular "s".
Grammatical Person Singular |
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Picture Grammatical Person |
Grammatical Person Plural. |
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Picture Grammatical Person Plural. |
The correct use of the verbs 'come' and 'go' causes problems for speakers of Portuguese. Although the translation of the verbs 'come' and 'go' seems simple and straight forward, when translating from or to Portuguese there is a problem. Depending on the context, the normal translation: 'vir' to 'come' and 'ir' to 'go' is incorrect and needs to be inverted translating 'vir' to 'go' and 'ir' to 'come'.
How this works, resulting problems and how to avoid these, is explained in the handout Come & Go: Partial inversion.
The same principle applies to he Dutch words 'komen' and 'gaan' as explained in Dutch in the handout Komen - Gaan.
This handout shows how to talk about times in English. Times
Dit materiaal laat zien hoe in het Nederlands over tijden gesproken wordt. Tijden
Handout with drawings to help to learn the correct use of parts of the day especially 'evening' and 'night'. A problem for speakers of Portuguese because, in Portuguese, normally, the word "noite" is used for 'evening' as well as for 'night'.
Handout met tekeningen op te helpen de woorden 'avond' en 'nacht' correct te gebruiken. Voor sprekers van Portugees is dit moeilijk omdat in het Portugees normaal voor 'avond' en 'nacht' het zelfde woord gebruikt wordt, namelijk, 'noite'.
In this list of irregular verbs, pronunciation of some verbs is shown using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Pronunciation of some verbs, like 'read' and 'dream', changes different from what would be expected from the spelling. In this list, phonetic transcription of these verbs is given, using the IPA. Irregular verbs - IPA
List of Dutch irregular verbs. Onregelmatige Werkwoorden
More of my teaching resources, can be found on my sister site:
There are for example
handouts about English and Dutch verb tenses, Roleplay-Simulations, Family tree English & Dutch.