Enlish and Dutch language resourses

On this page some language resources available for download.

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Material available for download download

Below are some examples of language learning and teaching resources developed at EnfoS, free to be used by teachers and learners (see Creative Commons license).

More languae resources available at my sister-site: https:www.held.com.br/resources/.

Recognising First, Second, Third Person

Many people have problems with the correct use of third person singular "s". They seem to have difficulty to recognise third person.

The links below take you to explanations to make recognising third person easier to help avoiding errors with third singular "s".

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Come & Go / Komen - Gaan

Come & Go: Partial inversion

The correct use of the verbs 'come' and 'go' causes problems for speakers of Portuguese. Although the translation of the verbs 'come' and 'go' seems simple and straight forward, when translating from or to Portuguese there is a problem. Depending on the context, the normal translation: 'vir' to 'come' and 'ir' to 'go' is incorrect and needs to be inverted translating 'vir' to 'go' and 'ir' to 'come'.

How this works, resulting problems and how to avoid these, is explained in the handout Come & Go: Partial inversion.

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Dutch version: Komen - Gaan

The same principle applies to he Dutch words 'komen' and 'gaan' as explained in Dutch in the handout Komen - Gaan.

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Picture Come Go Problem

Times / Tijden


This handout shows how to talk about times in English. Times

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Dit materiaal laat zien hoe in het Nederlands over tijden gesproken wordt. Tijden

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Parts of the Day / Dagdelen

Parts of the Day

Handout with drawings to help to learn the correct use of parts of the day especially 'evening' and 'night'. A problem for speakers of Portuguese because, in Portuguese, normally, the word "noite" is used for 'evening' as well as for 'night'.

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Handout met tekeningen op te helpen de woorden 'avond' en 'nacht' correct te gebruiken. Voor sprekers van Portugees is dit moeilijk omdat in het Portugees normaal voor 'avond' en 'nacht' het zelfde woord gebruikt wordt, namelijk, 'noite'.

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Picture Parts of Day

Irregular verbs / Onregelmatige Werkwoorden

Irregular verbs - IPA

In this list of irregular verbs, pronunciation of some verbs is shown using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Pronunciation of some verbs, like 'read' and 'dream', changes different from what would be expected from the spelling. In this list, phonetic transcription of these verbs is given, using the IPA. Irregular verbs - IPA

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Onregelmatige Werkwoorden

List of Dutch irregular verbs. Onregelmatige Werkwoorden

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