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Ton van Hattum
(Antonius Cornelius Franciscus Maria van Hattum)
Born: 22 February 1959, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Residing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Last update:

1982 - 1989 MS Biology: UvA, Amsterdam, NL; validated by UFMG, (8/4/1998)
First master's Theses, Human Ethology: Explorative Observation of Child Behaviour. RUU, Utrecht, NL; UvA, Amsterdam, NL
Second master's Theses, Neurobiology: Scopolamine and methylscopolamine differentially affect fixed-consecutive-number performance of male and female Wistar rats. NIH, Amsterdam, NL; UvA, Amsterdam, NL

Autodidact in
Information Technology
necessary and interesting subjects

1995 - present Translation of Portuguese, English and Dutch, including scientific texts and psychological instruments
1993 - present Private Teacher of English and Dutch (English for specific purposes, preperation for Cambridge exams, conversation, text interpretation and writing skils etc.)
2017 - 2019 Teacher of English at Fundação CEFETMINAS (FCM), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
2011 Lecturer: Princípios de Analogias e Metáforas (Principles of Analogies and Metaphors), Grupo de Estudos em Metáforas Analogias na Tecnologia, na Educação e na Ciência, GEMATEC, CEFET-MG
2010 Co-organiser, translator and e consecutive interpreter of lecture: "Philosophical & Pedagogical Problems with Constructivism", by Prof. Michael R. Matthews, at - AMTEC/GEMATEC da CEFET, Minas Gerais
2007 Course lecturer: Fisiologia e Neurofisiologia Para Psicólogos (Physiology and Neurophysiology For Psychologists), FACED, Divinópolis, MG
2002 Course lecturer: Morfologia e Fisiologia Para Psicólogos (Morphology and Neurophysiology For Psychologists), UNIVALE, Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais
1998 Course lecturer and organiser: Comportamento: Neurobiologia e Evolução (Behaviour: Neurobiology and Ethology), Faculdade de Psicologia - PUC, Minas Gerais
1998 Lecturer: "Princípios da Etologia Animal" (Principles of Animal Athology), at XII Jornada de Biologia, PUC, Minas Gerais Gerais
1991 Co-organiser of congress "Dyslexie in het Hoger Onderwijs" (Dyslexia at Higher Education) (Univiversiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)

2010 - present Member of study group on models, metaphors and analogies in technology, education and science, AMTEC/GEMATEC-CEFET, Minas Gerais
1993 - present Development and adaptation of teaching techniques, materials and philosophies
2004 - 2015 Adaptation validation of Check List of Interpersonal/Psychological Transactions (CLOIT/CLOPT) for the Brazilian population; Team: Luc M. A. Vandenberghe, Gleiber C. Santos, Antonius C. F. M. van Hattum


Nagem, R. L., HATTUM, A. C. F. M. v., Marcelos, M. F., Ferreira E. B. M. GEMATEC: Study Group of Analogies, Metaphors and Models in Science, Education and Technology (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group, Newsletter, Sydney, September 2010, p. 18-20, 2010.

COUTO, G., Muniz, M. N., HATTUM, A. C. F. M. Van. Diferenças relacionadas ao gênero observadas nos escores do Cheklist de Relações Interpessoais Revisado. Avaliação Psicológica, São Paulo, v. 7, p. 347-357, 2008.

COUTO, G. ; VANDENBERGHE, L. M. A. ; HATTUM, A. C. F. M. Van. ; CAMPOS, H. R. . Propriedades Psicométricas do Checklist de Relações Interpessoais - Revisado. Revista Psicologia Argumento, Curitiba, v. 24, n. 47, p. 15-28, 2006.

Couto, G. ; Hattum, A. C. F. M. van. ; Vandenberghe, L. M. A. ; Benfica, E. . Tradução, análise semântica e adaptação do Check List of Interpersonal Transactions Revisado. Avaliação psicológica, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 1, p. 45-56, 2005.

Van Haaren, F., Van Hest, A. and Van Hattum, T. Scopolamine and methylscopolamine differentially affect fixed-consecutive-number performance of male and female Wistar rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 33:361-365, 1989.

Languages Dutch, English (CPE), Portuguese, Afrikaans, German

Software Experience with: LaTeX, Office (MS-, Libre-), CAT (OmegaT), CorrelDRAW, Inkscape, GIMP, Bluefish Editor, jEdit, Kate, HTML, php, mySQL, Windows, Linux and more

Interests Art, industrial design, photography, cabinetmaking, architecture, home improvement, bicycle and consumer goods repair, philosophy, environmental issues
Last update: